
Data: A housewife (54 y.o.) was hit by the right side door mirror of a passing by ambulance.

Injuries and consequences: As a result of the shock and fall, the woman had a slight concussion and fractures of the shoulder and the nasal septum.

The parties agreed to a compromise – $440,000. By the request of the client, the money was put on trust, which we opened in favor of her children.


Data: A contractor (45 y.o. man) was a passenger in his friend’s car. The car was hit in the right side by a cargo truck.

Injuries and consequences: The plaintiff got a back injury and a kneecap fracture.  After recovery, he had to change his job to one that paid less.

Result: Before the verdict was reached, the insurance company of the truck offered $800,000 to the plaintiff which he agreed to take.


Facts: An 36 y.o. illegal immigrant conducted different repair works in a private house. When he was repairing the roof he slipped and fell to the ground.

Injuries and consequences: Fracture of both hands, spine injury (3 herniated discs) which required surgery and a compressed nerve in the right hand with partial numbness of it.

Result: By mutual agreement, the case was closed when the check for $940,000 was transferred to the plaintiff.


Facts: A 48 y.o. woman noticed a red mark on her arm that resembled a mosquito bite but had a white center. She also felt like her immune system was down and she was having flu like symptoms. After two days of it getting bigger she went her doctor thinking she was having a reaction to the bite. The doctor noted that it was in fact a reaction to a bite and not harmful. He gave her a topical ointment to treat hives and no tests were taken.

Injuries and consequences: The following days brought about fever and chills. She went to a different doctor for a second opinion. The doctor said it was from a tick bite and after running tests saw that she had developed Lyme disease. In the weeks that followed she had suffered from joint pain, shortness of breath and episodes of dizziness.

Arguments of the defendant: The plaintiff had said she was bit by a mosquito and that her reaction of headache and fever can be associated with an allergic reaction. The plaintiff did not mention she had been in facility where ticks are present.

Our arguments: Doctors are responsible for diagnosing patients and they can’t go based on the plaintiff’s assumption that it was a mosquito bite. A bull’s-eye is indicative of a tick bite in almost all insect bite cases and therefore she should have received a blood test to check if her reaction was due to Lyme disease. Failure to diagnose resulted in more time for the disease to worsen of which she suffered from physical and emotional distress due to symptoms.

Result: The plaintiff was awarded $1,500,000 for the defendant’s failure to run medical tests and notice evident sign of what is a symptom of Lyme disease.


Facts: A 71 y.o man was traveling back from a dental appointment when a car blew a stop sign and collided with his vehicle.

Injuries and consequences: The plaintiff’s suffered severe spine trauma during the collision. The injury eliminated his ability to move his lower extremities without pain. Thus causing trouble with bladder and bowel control, respiration, and other functions. After months of physical therapy he was able to use a walker to keep his balance. Pain relief injections have helped ease some discomfort.

Arguments of the defendant: Injuries were obtained because he was traveling too quickly along the main avenue therefore the defendant didn’t have time to stop his vehicle from crashing into his.

Our arguments: Driving laws are that cars must be at a complete stop at a stop sign. At no point is someone allowed to go past a stop sign because they assume no one is coming. Stop signs are placed as such to prevent collisions and not that they should be ignored. The plaintiff was not the one who had a stop sign to adhere to. Our expert physician showed from MRI images the damage caused by being hit with such impact. His opinion suggests that while his medical procedures have been helpful, there’s no saying how his injury can affect other bodily functions on a day to day basis.

Result: The verdict ordered that the plaintiff receive $1,350,000 as a result of his spinal trauma due to the car accident.

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